Jumat, 01 Februari 2013


    No.                   Nama Anggota
  1.                     Bagus Putu Prabaswara
  2.                     Otniel Stepen A.R
  3.                     Kadek Shinta Riana
  4.                     Made Deny Claudia Larasati
  5.                     Putri Indah Febriani
  6.                     Ni Made Ayu Krisna Wati
  7.                     Putu Pranasari Gayatri
  8.                     Wayan Nanda Prascita C
  9.                     Ni Wayan Sukma Kartika Dewi
  10.                     Tri Satya Pradnyandari
  11.                     Ni Made Laksani Ayu
  12.                     Ni Kadek Indah Dharmika Wati
  13.                     I Nyoman Hendri Saputra
  14.                     Gd Satria Harinamanata
  15.                     Ida Ayu Indah Pradnyani
  16.                     Putu Ayu Dian Pramesti DP
  17.                     Dian Purnama Dewi
  18.                     Ni Made Eva Suryantari
  19.                     Dw Ayu Prinita Larasati
  20.                     Dwi Melia Nurmalananda Dewi
  21.                     Ni Kadek Eka Jayanti
  22.                     Ni Kadek Mitha Sri Cahyani
  23.                     Bagus Dikky Pratama
  24.                     Made Cantika Kumara Dipa
  25.                     Ni Luh Nia Ardiani
  26.                     Ni Kadek Mena Sinta Dewi
  27.                     Ika Mahaswari Dewi
  28.                     Siska Putri Utami
  29.                     Ni Md Malini Mas Udayani R
  30.                     Ni Made Dely Purwanti
  31.                     Ni Made Desy Ariyanti
  32.                     Ni Putu Nitya Darmayantini
  33.                     A.A.Istri Dharmamega K
  34.                     Desak Made Amrita AR
  35.                     Desak Putu Wahyu Widyaswari
  36.                     Ni Nyoman surya Ariyanti
  37.                     Nadya Rizkiana Majid
  38.                     Wulan Dewi haryanto
  39.                     Ratuh Kusuma Dewi
  40.                     Ni Putu Devi Stini
  41.                     Ni Putu Diana Suartari
  42.                     Komang Heny Sulistiawati
  43.                     Irma Nurmalasari
  44.                     Dian Puspita Ayuningtyas

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